Hispanic Research Center
The Hispanic Research Center is a university-wide, interdisciplinary research unit founded in 1985, it conducts basic and applied research on a broad range of topics related to Hispanic studies, disseminates research findings to the academic community and the public, and provides public service in areas of importance to Hispanics.
Its affiliated faculty, staff and advanced graduate students are organized into working groups dedicated to a range of research projects in the humanities, arts, education, science and technology, business, information technology and new media, and other fields. Current and ongoing projects in the humanities include examination of the role of birds such as the eagle and the resplendent quetzal in Aztec, Maya, and Mixtec cultural beliefs; research on the impact of Franciscanism in colonial Latin America; and study of the history and work of Chicana/o artists. The Hispanic Research Center holds a major art history archive of Chicana/o artists that is available for study by researchers and students.
The Hispanic Research Center faculty includes a number of educators who have earned national awards for their work, including: the Charles A. Dana Foundation Award for Pioneering Achievement in Education, the 2002 Art Educator of the Year Award from the National Art Education Association. Ongoing activities of the Hispanic Research Center, primarily funded by external grants, include the Bilingual Press, the Community Art and Research Outreach, More Graduate Education at Mountain States Alliance (MGE@MSA), and the Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities.
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